News and announcements from the Parent-Teacher Organization of Brooklyn's Teunis G. Bergen Elementary School, PS9.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Parents can help at Friday's celebration
Online payment for lunch?
Today's flood—will the chancellor help?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Calling all PS 9 Parents: PTO meeting Tuesday night
6:30 PM in the PS9 Teacher Lounge (Enter on Underhill Ave)
The PS9 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) -- formerly known as the PS9 PTA --
invites and encourages all PS9 parents to attend its monthly meeting tomorrow,
Tuesday, October 12 at 6:30 pm. Please note that CHILD CARE WILL BE PROVIDED!
Come hear about the wide range of initiatives and events planned for the fall --
and learn how you and your family can participate in the strengthening of our
school community. We want to hear your voices, answer your questions, and
engage your support.
Why should you attend? This is your chance to:
-- Hear directly from Principal D'Avilar
-- Learn about upcoming PS9 events and how to help out
-- Get involved in your child's education (e.g., Family Reading and Math
Buddies, Class Parents)
-- Find out how to support PS9's fundraising initiatives
-- Meet other PS9 parents and families
We need your help to make PS9 events and fundraisers successful -- there are
opportunities to volunteer at all levels; if you have an hour to give, or a
special skill to contribute, please let us know!
UPCOMING EVENTS (volunteers needed for all):
* Hispanic Heritage Festival (Friday, Oct 15th)
* Open House Tour (Friday, Oct 15th)
* Silent Auction (Friday, Oct 22nd)
* Character Parade (Friday, Oct 29th)
* Fall Candy Sale
* Election Day Bake Sale (Tuesday, Nov 2nd)
* Picture Day (Monday, Nov 8th and Mon, Nov 15th)
Please note that parents are welcome to stay for the PTO Fundraising
Subcommittee Meeting immediately following the PTO meeting.
We hope to see you tomorrow night. Remember -- child care will be provided!
In partnership,
Your PS9 PTO
Be sure to check out the revived PS9 PTO Blog: If you are unable to attend but would like to help, please contact ps9pto AT, or one of the following committee heads:
Get PS9 News Online:
Communications Karen Fein Karen.Fein AT
Fundraising Fiona Noyes Fionat2 AT
Carol Sheldrake-Hernandez
Carolsheldrake AT
Hospitality Maria McGrath (718-783-2268) mariaw AT
Lunchroom Tara Rullo tararullo AT
Library Kiki Dennis kiki AT
Wellness Jen Chapin jen AT
Grant Writing Ivana Espinet ivanaespinet AT
The Phone Tree committee is still being organized. For now, please contact: Faye Rimalovski, fayerimalovski AT
Thursday, October 7, 2010
10/5/2010: Curriculum Night 6-8pm
10/6/2010: PTO Candy Sale Kick-Off Assembly 12:30pm
10/4/2010: Silent Auction On-line Bidding Begins
10/8/2010: Family Reading & Math Buddies Opening Meeting 8:45am
10/8/2010: Silent Auction Ticket Pre-Sale Ends
10/11/2010: Columbus Day Observed - School Closed
10/12/2010: PTO & Title I Meeting 6:30pm
10/12/2010: Gifted & Talented Application Begins
10/13/2010: Silent Auction Scooter & Helmet Lottery Drawing
10/14/2010: District 13 Middle School Fair @ MS 113 300 Adelphi Street
10/15/2010: Early Childhood Open House 9:00am
10/15/2010: Hispanic Heritage Celebration
10/18/2010: School Leadership Team Meeting 4:00pm
10/21/2010: Class Parent Meeting 9am
10/21/2010: Safety Meeting 9:30am
10/22/2010: Silent Auction at Prospect Park's Picnic House 6pm
10/26/2010: Special Needs Parent Orientation 9am
10/29/2010: Literacy Parade and Harvest Festival
10/29/2010: Candy Sale Monies Due
Please enjoy the full interview of Ms. Johnston by pre-k student Genevieve Snyder. Look for more interviews and grade level highlights in upcoming issues of the PTO newsletter, YOUR 9 NEWS.
Genevieve: Are you excited about your birthday?
Ms. Johnston: Yes, my birthday is in July, and I usually have a swimming party.
Genevieve: Are you a queen?
Ms. Johnston: No, I’m a teacher!
Genevieve: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Ms. Johnston: Well, last year I was Stellaluna. I haven’t made up my mind yet for this year. But can I tell you about what I usually do for Halloween? I fly home to Minnesota, where all the houses are so far apart that you can’t walk from house to house to trick or treat. So we hook up a wagon to a tractor, and we put hay in the wagon, and we sit on the wagon and we pull up the wagon to each house to go trick or treating!
Genevieve: Do you have a princess costume?
Ms. Johnston: No.
Genevieve: Do you have an Ariel costume?
Ms. Johnston: No, but my 5-year old niece just got one.
Genevieve: Do you like to jump rope?
Ms. Johnston: Yes, if it’s outside. I love to do anything outside. I like doing things like climbing trees, going on hikes, sledding, and having snowball fights.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The P.T.O. Starts Blogging Again
If you have questions or suggestions, or would like to help the P.T.O. communications committee, please contact us at tararullo AT
Art classes, 2010-2011
We will update this post once we find out when the classes will start, how frequently they will occur, and how parents might help.
-Kirby Pulver and Matt Fleischer-Black
Ms. D'Avilar's 3 goals for 2010-2011
1. Continuation of the school-wide enrichment program.
2. Staffing and opening the library by the middle of November 2010.
3. To increase parent involvement by 100 percent.
What parents can do to meet these goals:
1. ENRICHMENT: The administration will soon send out a link and ID for a website that offers a Renzulli assessment of each student's interests and learning style. (Want a sense? Look here.) You may also volunteer to help with Friday enrichment classes. To learn more about the enrichment program, read the bulletin board in the hallway to the right of the main office.
2. LIBRARY: Volunteer for the PTO's library committee.
(Send email to: kiki AT
3. INVOLVEMENT: Get involved, of course!
-Kirby Pulver