Monday, July 25, 2011

Looking forward to September!

Hope all PS 9 families and prospective families are having a great summer and staying cool. The new PTO is working hard on the after-school enrichment (ASE) program and some welcome-back social events.

  • On Saturday, August 27, we'll be welcoming incoming Pre-K and K families with a 9 a.m. get-together at Underhill Playground.
  • On the first day of school (September 8!), we will have a table set up with general information, as well as specifics on ASE.
  • We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the first PTO meeting, Tuesday, September 20, at 6:30 p.m., childcare provided.
  • And we're really excited about our second annual carousel party in Prospect Park, Saturday evening, October 1!

You can contact the PTO at

Tell Chancellor Walcott how you feel

This doesn't raise all the issues I want to sound off about, but it's a good start, and the more PS 9 parents who weigh in, the more likely they may be to listen to us.
Unfortunately, the deadline is today, but the survey is short. Get started here: